About the project

Reinforcement of competencies of teachers and other educational staff in the area of including pupils coming from socio-culturally disadvantaged environments

Project number: EHP-CZ-IN-2-003
Provider: Czech National Agency for International Education and Research
Program: Education: Inclusive education projects
Realization date: 08/2020 – 07/2023
Workplaces: The Department of primary and pre-primary education
The Department of Education
The Faculty of Education, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice
Partners of the project: University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Island
VID Specialized University, Oslo, Norsko


The aim of the project is to systematically support educational staff, their further education, methodical leadership for creating inclusive environment for children coming from socio-economically disadvantaged and culturally different family environment, Romani children, as well as children with special educational needs. The support is oriented on the establishment and development of inclusive education in Czech Republic through counselling environment, individual consultations, sand supervision and education of teachers. These activities will reinforce teachers´ competencies of working with pupils endangered by school failure, mainly those who suffer from educational and behaviour issues. Further support will be provided for communication with family members of the pupils (reinforcement of teachers’ competencies of communication with the parents and development of teachers’ counselling role of helping to find the way to effectively support learning of endangered pupils).

General aim of the project is to provide experience transfer from experts coming from various European countries, which work with the issue of foreigners’ inclusion, different types of inclusion and Romani minority. The project would lead to start the cooperation on formation of educational and developing programs within multicultural education and further education of teachers (from kindergartens to teachers of high schools), social workers, special educators and teaching assistants. The main purpose of the project is to connect and to create shared space for experience transfer of institutions and their experts dealing with the issue of mutual cultural enrichment.

The project will also work with further experience within these areas: multiculture as cross-sectional topic of curriculum, education for thinking in European and global context, medial education and methodical experience of educational models in the area of multicultural approaches to Romani minority in Czech Republic.


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8. 9. 2024 (dnes)